Friday, February 3, 2012

My First Blogger Tags!

So my friends Nicole and Kristin challenged some of their blogger friends to complete a questionnaire. Since I frequently struggle with topics to write about that aren't too long, involved and possibly boring to others, I decided to go ahead and fill them out. I have 11 Fun Facts, and answered 2 sets of 11 Questions. I was supposed to post 11 Questions for my other blog friends, but all my blogger friends have been tagged!  I think I need more blogger friends.

Here you go enjoy!

11 Fun Facts:
  1. I am seriously addicted to Criminal Minds and I 100% believe I would be an amazing profiler/researcher for the BAU.
  2. My biggest regret is not going far away to college...that is until I realize I never would have met some of the RHH if I had.
  3. I love organizing and reorganizing every closet/drawer/shelf, etc. that I can get me hands on.
  4. I cry when I'm angry.
  5. I was bald until I was 2.
  6. Two weeks from today at this time I will be a married woman.
  7. I am a sucker for infomercials.  I own 2 snuggies, a dreamie, a pillow pet, a shake weight, Snookie slippers, a George Forman Grill, Sham-wows, a slap chop, Oxyclean...the list goes on and on.
  8. I am also a sucker for reality shows.  Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, anything Kardashian, and any TLC special about obesity, midgets, pregnancy. I nearly cried when Steven informed me he didn't ask for a DVR with our cable company.
  9. Whenever a website asks for me to set up a security question, I answer it as if I was Jessica, just in case someone is as hack savvy as I am ;)
  10. I laugh at completely inappropriate things/times. Jessica's little bro farting in church? check. Jessica being so pregnant she can't tie her shoes or get in her car? check. Girl at Starbucks soda exploding all over the floor and everyone in the vicinity? check. (Although I was the only one who helped her clean it up) Me getting scared and peeing my own pants as an adult? check. Steven dropping the porkchops he was planning on having for dinner as they came out of the oven on the floor? most definitely.
  11. I truly believe the RHH should have a reality show.  Maybe even Real World style with all our husbands, babies and animals.  Who wouldn't watch our fabulousness?
11 Answers from Kristin's Questions:
  1. What is your biggest pet peeve? messiness and lateness
  2. What is your favorite food? Italian
  3. How old where you when you had your first kiss?12 or 13
  4. What is your favorite hobby? decorating, scrapbooking, traveling and organizing
  5. Whats is your favorite childhood memory? Weekends at my grandparents house with my little brother and cousin.
  6. Cat/Dog/ or both? I like and am allergic to both
  7. What is you idea of a perfect day?
  8. Do believe in eating cranberry sauce from a can? No, I'm gagging just thinking about it.
  9. Where is your family originally from? Dad's side is from New Jersey, Mother's side from Augusta County, VA
  10. What's your favorite time of year? the Fall. Cool weather, comfy sweaters and football.
  11. Would you do it all again if you could? yes with a few minor adjustments.

11 Answers from Nicole's Questions:

1.  Which is the celebrity or actor you would want to date?  Shemar Moore...or Jensen Ackles
2.  Describe yourself in a single sentence?  Get to know me, I'm awesome.
3.  What is your favorite song?  All for You by Sister Hazel
4.  If you were to be reborn who would you want to be born as?
5.  Name the one household chore you would never do again if you didn't have to.
6.  What is your favorite TV show? Criminal Minds!  But also many reality shows.
7.  What is the furthest you've traveled? Australia, and it changed my life.
8.  What is something you would do if you were more daring? Be an astronaut
9.  What is your idea of the perfect date? For Steven and me it's Vito's and then home to cuddle.
10. What is the grossest thing you've ever consumed? Pepperroo, Australia's take on pepperoni.
11. Do you have any weird obsessions? I was recently diagnosed with OCD...but the obsession that sticks out is having everything planned and organized and on a list.


    1. Laughing at inappropriate things is totally acceptable.
      Bravo needs to get in touch with us ASAP. Our show would be way more entertaining then those Miami bishes, they got cancelled.
      I've never been to Vito's.
      I don't want to eat pepperroo.

      I can't tie my shoes or shave my legs or bend over or roll over and you don't have long to laugh at me for it all. ;) Baby T will be evacuated SOON!

    2. Flip flops were the only good thing about summer pregnancy Jess lol. I agree RHH deserves it's own reality show. You girls are so much fun and I'm so glad that we've become good friends over the years!
