Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Kitty & Canine Gift Exchange Part 2

Two weeks ago I mentioned that Prim and I signed up for kjpugs Third Annual Kitty and Canine Gift Exchange.

Prim was paired up with a kitty named Beans, and when Prim's present arrived she went nuts!  I was (and still am) home sick with pneumonia, so I didn't open the package right away. Prim was not happy because she knew it was for her and laid, scratched, attacked and purred the package until I gave in and asked Steven to help her open it.

Is all this for me?!

Beans sent an awesome package with kitty treats, mice, catnip and lots of fuzzy toys.  Prim went nuts with all the toys!  It was hard to get an action shot, but here's one of my attempts:

Also, you may not know that Prim plays fetch for hours! She especially took to a little green fuzzy toy with a bell on it, which is her new favorite toy to play fetch with.

"Mom, I'm going to need you to throw that!!!"
I'm  super glad we decided to participate in the gift exchange, and can't wait to do it again next year!

Thanks Beans (and Lauren!)

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Newtown, CT

I have not been able to see the news for most of the day, but as I tune in, I'm horrified.

I remember Columbine. I remember 9-11. It may sound naive to say, but the shooting today in Newtown, CT breaks my heart the most. 

I can't believe someone could do this. I'm at a loss for words.  The images I have seen of children holding hands and running through the woods to safety, and those of first responders rushing into the building (many officers in just their normal uniforms instead of waiting to suit up in full squad gear) will haunt my dreams.

This has hit just a little too close to home. In CT as I have many family members up north. As a police officer's wife. And as a young woman, because although I don't have children of my own, there are several children, Brody, Quorra, Noah, George, Ben, Joshua, Isabella, and many others including my baby cousins Lydia and Marlene who I would kill for. Who I would die for. I'm usually strong, but my eyes are tearful.

One scripture that sticks out and comforts me:

"But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven'." -Matthew 19:14

To the shooter, (and I have not fully understood this saying until today) may God have mercy on your soul.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Bishes!

Normally, I am not a fan of Christmas.  Growing up it was always awkward. There is a lot of drama among many of my family members, and I can recall feeling tense and anxious throughout the holidays as early as 6 years old.

That being said, I could never really think of anything I wanted, except to NOT have to listen to the bitching my family members would take part in following any holiday gathering. After my parents separated, I dreaded the holidays. It's been a confusing dynamic ever since, and I was sure I would forevermore hate every Easter, Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Memorial get the idea.

Since Steven and I started dating, I realized even more how effed up my family is.  His parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins had FUN.  They enjoyed just hanging out with each other, with no trace of the mandatory, alcohol fueled, forced fun my family is used to. And although I wouldn't mind a glass of wine with Christmas (his family doesn't least not to Grandmom and Poppa's knowledge) I love the laughing, throwing snowballs at Steven's squad car, eating Aunt Joan's crappy brownies and the couches my sister-in-law and I crash on as soon as dessert is over.

This year, I'm excited about Christmas and even have a Christmas List to post!

Here goes!

The Nook HD.
Since I'm a neat freak and hate clutter I love the idea of an e-reader/mini tablet.  I sold my iPad when I lost my job, to make the mortgage and have missed my tablet.  This is small, perfect for reading on, and I'm pretty sure (and hope) I'm going to find it in my stocking :)

Criminal Minds Seasons
When I was out on FMLA and subsequently unemployed, I fell in love with Criminal Minds.  I love the show so much I want the whole series for the times I need to nest on the couch with my good friends at the BAU.  And I might also have a slight crush on Agent Morgan ;)

I'm obsessed with this hoodie from North Face. This, jeans, Uggs and Starbucks? Heaven.

 This is the sweet calf/foot massager from Brookstone catalog I've been eyeing for years. For the record, this picture is basically my version of heaven. Tablet, booze, calf/massager. If only I had an extra $400. (right now it's on special for ONLY $349) I visited a Brookstone store this past weekend and definitely used that thing for longer than the "15 minute per customer" limit. For once I was grateful for my constantly "pissed off/don't bother me" face. But seriously, I'm not always pissed, it's just my face!!

And lastly...

I'm in love with this Etsy store and this necklace!  They make the cutest peapod/birdnest necklaces and bracelets. The only change I would want is for the charm to be the "police officer badge" charm she offers instead of the weird stick figure one shown. But the white beads and silver make this so cute I could squeeeeeeeeeee. (that being the annoying noise dumb college girls make when they unexpectedly run into their roommate at a party, or the noise regular people make when they see baby kitty meme's on the internet)

Merry Christmas Bishes!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Third Annual Kitty & Canine Holiday Blogger Gift Exchange

I've been a terrible blogger lately.  I've started some posts, deleted them, and wrote them again. They are currently in my saved file.


I've seen how blogs have helped my friends, mostly Jessica, with the weird age we are. You know, the one where we're newlyweds or college-ish aged or young mothers who feel the loneliness without something to plan (weddings, resumes, baby things). Who are also not quite ready for the PTA, Soccer Mom thing...I guess that's what happens next?  I'm not good with this adult thing.

So I've finished college, gotten married, and we're waiting on the baby thing.

I want to be a better blogger, so I decided to participate in KJPug & Hannah's Third Annual Kitty & Canine Holiday Blogger Gift Exchange.

I know Jessica's Bodie loved his secret pal and Prim and I are excited to be involved this year too!

Prim can be an absolute sweetheart or an absolute terror. Besides mice, chewing paper/cardboard and chasing her laser pointer, she is obsessed with stuffed animals. Her favorite one being her pink bunny that she carries everywhere.  It even sleeps in the bed with us.

And as this is her first Christmas, I helped her get acquainted with the holiday.

Prim's first Christmas Tree (that lasted about 4 days before she destroyed it and it ended up in the trash) note her little bunny ear in the lower right corner. and Prim in her Christmas sweater (and that is the crazy eye she gets when she's about to enter attack mode)  She's not a fan of that sweater and spent 20 minutes wrestling it off.

For our first year participating in the exchange, Prim has been paired with Beans!

We are boxing up his Chrismukkah present and heading to the post office now!