As all of my followers that know me in real life know, Steven was married before. And I was shocked that considering how his divorce went down he proposed after us dating only 2 1/2 years. A divorce is caused by the faults of two people, however in the case of Steven's divorce, I have taken a brunt of his ex's anger. Now that I am engaged, I cannot carry this anger towards her anymore. So here's my open letter to her after being silent for so long.
Dear Michelle Hughes,
First of all, thank you for leaving Steven. It is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and you are somewhat responsible for some of the happiness I feel with him every day. I want you to know that yes, I did know Steven while you were married. We had mutual friends and I'll admit that I was attracted to him. However, I NEVER even thought about having a relationship with him. Honestly, I avoided him. There was never an affair.
When you left him, I allowed myself to be friends with him, and though our relationship moved quickly, his relationship with you was over and I refused to postpone my own happiness. When I found out you were dating and sleeping with the Waynesboro officer and others I felt better about moving my relationship with Steven forward.
When the divorce was fresh, everyone around me talked trash about you. I do know it takes two people to ruin a marriage, and kept my mouth shut. I mean, there must be something good about you, or he wouldn't have married you. When he moved out of your old house, I even made him store a few things you left behind I thought you might think were sentimental or important. However, that's when the attacks on me began.
Before I continue, you should know you have a friend that is not really your friend. She's not mine either really, I think she just likes to stir the pot. I know so many of the things you've said about me it makes me sick. In fact, when your father and others went around saying Steven and I had an affair and it got back to my own father, that's when I realized I could stop sticking up for you. That's when I trashed the things I previously made Steven keep, just in case. Your divorce should never have had anything to do with me. Yet, you felt you could could "have the last word" and bully me? You can't. And I won't let you. You should talk to me like the woman you should be instead of blasting my name over this town. For someone who supposedly doesn't give a damn about me, you sure do run your mouth about me a lot.
So, you want to know how it feels to be the second Mrs. Michelle Kramer? It feels AWESOME! Actually, if you Google or Facebook the name Michelle Kramer there are thousands, but I get what you mean. If you would have actually had the audacity to come up to me and ask that (I know you never would) I would have responded with, "How does it feel to be 30, unemployed, bankrupt, living with your parents and pregnant with the baby of some guy from West VA?" I just feel bad for Emma Lee, but I'm sure once she's born you'll have other things to worry about than me which I'm greatly looking forward to. I hope you don't take out your misery on her.
Michelle, I'm not a bad person, and I've held my tongue for awhile now. If you truly don't give a damn, realize that I have better things to do than worry about you. You have quite a bit on your plate to worry about and I honestly feel bad for the position you've put yourself in. Not that bad since your decisions have created a happiness for me that I never thought I'd feel. We bought a house not too long ago and we're getting married in 6 months. Although I'm sure you already know this.
As far as karma goes, it's been pretty nice to me. I'm glad you think you know so much about me, but trust me you don't. I'd be glad to talk to you woman to woman, but seeing as you're always sick or pretending to be sick or dehydrated, etc. that might be hard to arrange. In the mean time, we wish nothing but the best for you. Now, if you could just leave me alone that would be great. Stop spreading rumors and stop trusting in so many people, because they are making sure it gets back to me. We can be adults about this. In the French version of movies, the ex and the new wife become friends. But I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your enemy either. I don't want you to feel you have to pout and glare at us at JMU games, or create false stories to make people think I'm bullying you. I'm not sure other than this blog post how I've even come close to being a "bitch" to you, but you can go ahead and drop the act. If you're always playing the victim, Michelle, you can never be the hero. And Emma Lee is going to need someone to be her hero.
I wish nothing but the best for you Michelle. Let your hatred for me end here. And also keep an eye on who you are trusting. Not all your friends are as trustworthy as you think. It might be in your best interest to find some new friends. And if you want to talk about this like an adult, feel free to contact me. This blog is linked to my email, or I'm sure you've looked me up on Facebook. If not have a nice life and best wishes.
Sincerely yours,
I really hope the bish reads this. She needs to hear it and I hope this puts a nail in the coffin, she needs to leave you alone.
ReplyDeleteI love you meesh and you're going to be the best wifey ever, Steven's lucky to have you. <3
Wow, I hope she reads that! That is SO amazing of you to write that. I can't imagine what it must be like to have a crazy person gunning against you two. But that's life and you are really strong for dealing with it!