Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thanks, Reality

So when I last posted I was super excited and happy.  I was starting a new job and things were looking up in our world.

Well, after one week at the new job I was called into the boss' office. Not my direct supervisor or even her boss. The big lady at the office.  I had never spoken to her, and felt pretty weird to be called in after my Friday shift. 

Yep, I was fired.

Not due to anything specific, but she told me this: "Michelle, you are great at customer service (just an hour before the second in command had told me how great I was doing and especially since it was the busiest week the office had had in awhile) but you are not a team player."

Not a team player?  I thought back on the stressful week.  Yes I was overwhelmed, but I know I did my very best.  Since the Verizon incident, I mostly kept my head down, did my job, and went home.  I ate lunch alone. I didn't even know everyone's names. The lady that was supposed to be training me kept telling me to "figure it out" when I asked questions.

But I returned to work every day.

Understandably I was upset.  We have been struggling ever since I left Verizon.  Even though that wasn't my dream job, we had made up a plan to get our financials in order and get out of debt.

Now we are skimping.  I knew Steven came with debt due to his ex-wife and I brought my student loans.  When I was out on FMLA, we used our credit card for expenses such as groceries, gas, doctor appointments and my other medical expenses. 

Now that I've been unemployed for the past 4 months, I've had to get creative.  I've had yard sales, sold things on eBay, refinished furniture, etc. to try and make ends meet. But it's hard.

We don't qualify for government assistance, and everyday I'm worried sick that we're going to get in over our head.

Not that we don't have amazing family and friends. Steven's parents are taking us on a family vacation later in the week.  Our friends and family give us emotional support, physical support (like Angela being a great team player helping me with yard sales and calling me each day just to say hi) and even making sure we don't just sit at home. Last night some of our friends took us to the JMU vs. Alcorn State game and we had a blast sitting in the misty bleachers and watching Alcorn get absolutely crushed.

We still have fun. We love each other more than ever. Steven never wants me to worry. He has told me to just relax and when we come back from vacation I will hear from a job and we'll get back on track.

But I can't help but worry.  What do I choose to go without? Medicine? My doctor visits?  I've already given up my counselor. We mostly eat cereal and PB&J (which Steven tells me are his favorite foods when I seem upset).  He works overtime so I can have the occasional girl's night since it means so much to me.

Don't get me wrong. I am truly blessed to have our little family and amazing friends.  I know we'll figure it out. I know we have to be okay. We have to.

I've worked since I was 16, and have never been unemployed since. I feel like a broken record by venting on my blog, but it is SO FRUSTRATING!

In any case, I'm still trying very hard to see the little, happy things in my life.  Like this view we got last night:

I wouldn't be given anything I can't handle right?


  1. I hate to read this...keep your head up and something good WILL come from this mess. God has a bigger plan and unfortunately sometimes we are just along for the ride. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way, I'm glad to hear this is strengthening your relationship with Steven...that means he is definitely the one :)

  2. Things HAVE to get better. We're here when you need us ma! I can teach Noah to haggle at yard sales and sand furniture for you ;)
