Friday, January 20, 2012

Help Us Celebrate More Birthdays

I wasn't sure how to start this post, but I took a peak at my teammate Jessica's blog and she took the words out of my mouth blog:

I could start this blog post by telling you that there are 1,638,910 new cases of cancer this year alone or that 1 out of 4 people will be diagnosed sometime in their life. Regardless of how many statistics I throw at you or what I say, it doesn't change the fact that you or someone you know has been affected by cancer. That's almost a guarantee.

This year, my friends and I (
so lovingly coined "The RHH or Real Housewives of Harrisonburg") have decided to form a team to walk at our local Relay for Life event where we will help raise money and awareness for the American Cancer Society.

Each of us have been touched by cancer in one way or another and this is our way of giving back. Of telling our loved ones how much we care. Of telling the world that there should be more birthdays.

Our Relay Team

(and yes, the babies will be there too!)

So why do I walk?
Almost everyone has been touched by cancer, either through their own personal battle or through someone they love, including my family and friends. Last year, Steven's father was diagnosed with colon cancer.  I watched him in pain as he went through surgeries and treatment to fight back.  He was lucky enough that his cancer was caught early, and he is now cancer free and able to walk everyday to regain his strength, metal detect, enjoy beach vacations, attend sporting events and is even flying to Vegas for our upcoming wedding.  But many of my friends have family members that haven't been as lucky, and we are banding together to show our support for those we know that have been affected by cancer, and each other.
There's Greg, cancer free!

Every day, the American Cancer Society is helping us stay well by preventing cancer or finding it at its earliest, most treatable stages. They assist families in finding the best resources to help their friend or loved one deal with a diagnosis and their journey to get well. The American Cancer Society is also rallying communities (like ours!) through events like Relay For Life, to fight back and find cures for this disease.
Think about the ones you love that have been affected by cancer, and I can only hope you will donate to this amazing cause.  Currently our team goal is $1,500, but we hope to raise even more. But we can't do it alone. Click the link below to see who we walk for and our individual stories.


  1. I'm glad Stevens dads cancer was caught early! He's lucky and I'm happy he's doing well, we'll be walking for him. :)

  2. SO glad it was caught early! Early detection is so important, and I wish more people would listen to their bodies and pay attention to their symptoms!
