Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One Month 'til I Do

So today marks the 31 day countdown until my wedding.  It's really starting to hit me that I will make a vow for better or worse and  from that point on be known as Mrs. Michelle Kramer.  It doesn't look that different from my maiden name, but it still feels weird.  I've tried the name on in the past few weeks when filling out things online and such and I'm not going to lie, I like it.

I know there is at least one person who has asked the rude question, "how does it feel to be the second Mrs. Michelle Kramer?" And I have to admit, I think it will feel pretty freaking awesome.  Even though we've been dating for 3 years and have lived together for 1, after February 17 we will be our own family.  We'll not only share a last name, we'll be legally bound to each other. 

I thought when the day came, I'd be freaking out about losing my freedom.  I couldn't just pack my bags and move to California, or go backpacking through Europe...not without Steven's agreement of course.  Instead, the thought of being married is comforting.  I'm thrilled to be Steven's wife and have him be my husband.  I know it won't always be easy, but I'd say we've already been through more together than the average couple.  We've both had enough life experience to know how lucky we are to have each other.  We can both be our own individuals, but are also great friends and love being together.  I still get excited to see him when he comes home from work, and always rush home when I know he's there.  I know he loves me unconditionally, through my craziness, despite my flaws and I love him just as he is. 

I'm also excited to be part of his family.  While I'm still getting used to my family dynamic changing with my parent's divorce and my dad's upcoming wedding, I'm super grateful to have Steven's family who have loved me like one of their own from day one.  His mother makes the absence of my own mother just a little easier to deal with, and I'm so lucky to have her.

Ok, I know that's a lot of mushy stuff, and those that know me IRL know I'm not like that at all.  But while I was sitting here thinking about how many other things in my life are unsure right now, I couldn't help but share how blessed I feel to have found my soul mate.


  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he's lucky to have you. I'm glad that his family is there for you and are a support system in your life. You and Steven are going to make an amazing family and - FYI - you're not the second Michelle Kramer -- YOU'RE THE RIGHT ONE. ;)

  2. Play, pray and enjoy the ride...it is only going to happen once :)
